Jawa Tengah

Indonesia travel to Baturaden

batu radenThe interesting place to see is Baturaden, located 15 km north of Purwokerto. Baturaden is a classical highland country in the foot of Gunung Slamet volcano. Central Java's outstanding resort is approximately 14 km north of Purwokerto.like bali indonesia travel ,It occupies a fine site on the slope of Mount Slamet, at an elevation of 650 m above sea level. It has remarkable weather with a cool mountain breeze. The temperature ranges from 18 degree C to 25 degree C.

The resort area is surrounded by nice gardens, hot springs, ponds and bungalow-style hotels. Other features include 200 ha of pine forest, a nearby market and marvelous views. Some European groups are known to spend a day trekking through its Splendid Natural Forest and Villages. Always green, the area is blessed with an abundance of natural water resources spouting out in numerous waterfalls and rivers, which flow between the huge boulders of hardened lava. The huge boulders also points out to Ravines and river bank and form some kind of path, apparently having rolled down from Mount Slamet during a eruption many centuries ago.

Baturaden is renowned for local tourism; with attraction of hot spring, trekking and camping. The main attraction for tourist is the Loka Wisata Baturaden, a recreational Park with a swimming pool, water slide, lake; children's play ground with an Old Dutch Merry-go-round, Hot water mineral spring and Botanical Gardens. We can come to spend the whole day, picnicking on the grassy lawn or along the river or bathing in the mineral waters, which contain sulfur. There are two natural hot spring in Baturaden, namely Pancuran Telu and Pancuran Pitu. The park connects with "Pancuran Tujuh" (Seven Fountains) of warm sulfuric spring water about 2,5 Km's away. The camping ground is called Wana Wisata. There are 76 hotels ranging from the star grade to the modest one for overnight stay. We can go perum berkoh there are one elite house in this city.

Jatijajar Cave

Jatijajar cave is located about 49 km west of Kebumen, or 20 km from Gombong. It is the most interesting cave in Central Java with its stalactite and stalagmite. Inside the cave, there is Kamandaka statue, which has its own legend. The legend inside the cave describing about the legend of Raden Kamandaka or lutung kasarung legend, which this story is represented by statues inside of cave. It is believe that water from water source inside cave can make some one well preserved.

The length of this cave is about 250 meters. To reach the location there is available transportation such as angkot (a small bus), and also some representative hotels and restaurants. The name of Jatijajar is come when there were two of twin jati trees growths in mouth of cave in the first time founded. The cave complex is equipped by Dinosaurs statue discharges water from his mouth, whereas water comes from sources inside cave every day. There are also another beautiful cave in the area of Jatijajar cave, such as, Intan Cave and Dempok cave completed by a pleasure park Also there is park available, with the name Taman Kera as many of monkey statues in there. Inside mouth of cave there are many stalactites and stalagmites, a natural process since thousands years ago.


Tawangmangu is located 40 km east of Solo, this recreational resort offers fresh weather; scenic views, swimming pools, bungalow style hotels and restaurants. Tawangmangu, a mountain resorts at an elevation of almost 1 km above sea level, which promises a cool escape from the city's heat. It lies on the slopes of Mt., Lawu, at an elevation of 1300 m above sea level. A cool splendid hill resort also on the slope of mount Lawu, at about 1400 M height above sea level. The road from Solo via Karangpandan is a fine trip thru magnificent green terraced hills. Tawangmangu has all kind of facilities, hotel, camping ground, forest tourism, etc. The climate is fresh and one can enjoy the beautiful scenery. Other features include nearby temples, a national park and 40m in high waterfall of Grojogan Sewu.

It is a 100 M high waterfall; the pool at the bottom has very chilly water. In front of the gate to Grojogan Sewu, horses for rent are available to ride around Tawangmangu.

Gajah Mungkur Dam

This Gigantic picturesque dam is located about 3 km from the town of Wonogiri. The water supply of the dam is from Bengawan Solo River, the longest river in Java. Its construction was in 1975 until 1981. The lake of the dam covers an area of 8.800 ha and has capacity to irrigate 23.600 ha of rice fields in the regencies of Klaten, Sukoharjo, Karanganyar and Sragen. It supplies the drinking water for Wonogiri and electrical turbine with capacity of 12,4 M.W.

This is also a beautiful place for water recreation. There is a pier for boots to take people around the lake and also available facilities for water skiing, fishing and floating restaurant. The hand-gliding sport can be enjoyed here.

There, we can find Sendang recreation park that located at the bank of Gajah Mungkur dam, about 6 km from the town center of Wonogiri town to the South. The visitor can enjoy boating, fishing, water skiing, swimming or engage in hang gliding sport which starts from a hill near the dam.

Ambarawa Railway Museum

Ambarawa is famous nationwide by the credo Palagan Ambarawa. Small city that forgotten nowadays but became one of the important base camp of National heroes during Dutch occupancy in World War II. A small city in the junction of national road between Yogyakarta to Semarang and accessible to several small cities nearby like Salatiga, Magelang and Bandungan. Fifty km south of Semarang, Ambarawa has locomotives of various types and ages, and it is still possible to ride on a cog railway between Ambarawa and Bedono, a village nearby.

Ambarawa Railway Museum 50 km south of Semarang, Ambarawa is the home of Java's antique locomotives, housed in a museum. Prior arrangements should be made for groups. Also of interest are a collection of antique telephones and other instrument used for railway communication.

The museum was established in the 1970s primarily to preserve a wide selection of the steam locomotives, which were then coming to the end of their useful lives on the 3ft 6in (1067mm) gauge railways of the Indonesian State Railway (the Perusahaan Negara Kereta Api, PNKA). These are parked in the open air next to the original station, originally a transhipment point between the 4ft 8 in gauge branch from Kedungjati to the northeast and the 3ft 6in gauge line onward towards Yogyakarta via Magelang to the south. It is still possible to see that the two sides of the station were built to accommodate different size trains. Ambarawa lays some way above sea level and was an administrative centre for the Dutch colonialists. Now the provincial Government of Central Java is increasingly taking an interest from the point of view of its heritage significance and its potential as a tourist attraction. Non-Governmental bodies like the Semarang Heritage Society are also acting to assist and there is also an unofficial overseas group 'The Friends of Ambarawa Railway Museum'.

Kyai Langgeng Park

Kyai Langgeng Park located at the western part of Magelang, and occupying land of about 19 hectares, with the tranquility of a rural atmosphere, is easily accessible as it lies only about 1 km from the center of the town. Convenient public transport brings the tourist there, leaving town life behind to go back to nature.Built by the local government of Magelang Municipality and opened its gate to the public in 1987.

Kyai Langgeng Park now provides of many kinds collection of rare plants from all over Indonesia, collection of dinosaurs statues, fishing pond, traffic gardens, aquariums, green house, swimming pool, open air theater, large cages of various kinds of tropical birds, various kinds of animals from the bigger to the smaller ones, arena for go-carts, a river for canoeing and wild water surfing, restaurants, souvenir shops, tropical fruit market, indoor tennis court, hotel and many other things to see, to do and to enjoy.

This park is named after one of the followers of Prince Diponegoro, one of the Indonesian heroes who fought bravely against the Colonialists during Diponegoro's war (1825-1830). The late Kyai Langgeng was buried in this area and his burial can still be found here. For now and the future the Local Government of Magelang Municipality will move on to invest in new recreational facilities for all levels of the community.

Bengawan Solo River

This longest river in Java flows along the eastern edge of the town from its source in the lime stones hill of the south, near East Java border to its mouth nearby Surabaya, on the Java sea. Regretfully, the river is now shallow it is not navigable anymore. But in the past it was an important link between Solo and the north cost of East Java.

It length is 600 km flowing in 2 provinces which are Central Java Province and East Java Province with the irrigation width 16.000 km2, was the biggest and the main river basin area. It rises on the slope of Mount Lawu volcano (10,712 feet [3,265 m]) and the southern limestone range (Sewu Mountains) and flows north, then east to discharge into the Java Sea at a point opposite Madura Island, northwest of Surabaya. In recent 30 years development of irrigation facility at the Bengawan Solo river area have reach a significant level of development. This was mark by the completed of irrigation building, which still in progress or even have been built such as reservoir, dam, dike, irrigation net, and others. Investment have been spent to reach this development level is very big. Those buildings have functions as a flood controller, Hydraulic Power Generator, water supply for farming, industry, drink water, fishery, and others.

There is a well-known song 'Bengawan Solo' composed by Mr. Gesang. In the central Javanese city of Solo, a statue of Gesang Martohartono looks over the gently flowing Bengawan Solo, or Solo River. It was the famous Indonesian singer-songwriter Gesang, who composed the celebrated Indonesian melody "Bengawan Solo" during World War II -- when the country was under Japanese occupation. The song describes the legendary river in a poetic and nostalgic way, that it is surrounded by mountains, its sources are near the city of Surakarta, that it ends in the sea, and that the merchant class always makes use of it. It is in the local Keroncong style, a popular folk style with influences from Portuguese. The Japanese, who occupied the country during World War II, brought the song with them to Japan after returning from the war. There, and also in the rest of Asia and later worldwide, the song became very famous.

Jatijajar Cave

Jatijajar cave is located about 49 km west of Kebumen, or 20 km from Gombong. It is the most interesting cave in Central Java with its stalactite and stalagmite. Inside the cave, there is Kamandaka statue, which has its own legend. The legend inside the cave describing about the legend of Raden Kamandaka or lutung kasarung legend, which this story is represented by statues inside of cave.

It is believe that water from water source inside cave can make some one well preserved. The length of this cave is about 250 meters. To reach the location there is available transportation such as angkot (a small bus), and also some representative hotels and restaurants. The name of Jatijajar is come when there were two of twin jati trees growths in mouth of cave in the first time founded. The cave complex is equipped by Dinosaurs statue discharges water from his mouth, whereas water comes from sources inside cave every day. There are also another beautiful cave in the area of Jatijajar cave, such as, Intan Cave and Dempok cave completed by a pleasure park Also there is park available, with the name Taman Kera as many of monkey statues in there. Inside mouth of cave there are many stalactites and stalagmites, a natural process since thousands years ago.

Telemoyo Mountain

what about Telemoyo mountain ? In the seventies a telecommunication relay station was built on the top of this 1894 m mountain, and to reach it a 7 km road was carved in its side all to the top. So you can drive there, although the road is narrow and in some places in poor repair.

When the weather is clear, from the top of Telemoyo you have a magnificent view on the surrounding valleys and neighbouring mountains: Mt Merbabu, Mt Ungaran and Mt Andong.

At the start of the road there is a gate, and you have to pay Rp 5,000 for a car. You are warned not to leave your car unattended and to be back not later than 5 pm. If you meet a car from the other direction, you may have to do some backing up, because at several spots the road is too narrow to pass each other. Last time we went there on a Sunday, and the gate of the telecommunication station was closed. That meant also backing down 100 m, to reach a spot where we could turn the car around.

Directions: From Salatiga take the road to Kopeng. At Wates village, where the road turns sharply left, take the road going down on your right, following a sign saying 'Wisata Kali Pancur'. After 3.4 km a road coming from Kopeng joins in at your left. 300 m from this junction, at Pandean village, a sign 'Telemoyo' points right. Here you find the gate of the road up Telemoyo.

Sekar Langit Waterfall

Sekar Langit is Javanese words meaning Flower of the Sky. The name clearly explain beauty of this waterfall. Falling from 25m height, the water seems to flourish into white lily. Completed with camping ground, this is a very desirable place for outdoor activities including outbound management training and team building.

Dieng Plateau

Dieng Volcanic Complex (also called the Dieng Plateau) is a complex volcano. A complex volcano is an extensive assemblage of spatially, temporally, and genetically related major and minor volcanic centers with the associated lava flows and pyroclastic rocks. This is another place worth visiting in Central Java, situated around 2000 m above sea level and 100 km from Borobudur.

This area northwest of Yogyakarta is in the volcanic mountains and over 2,000 meters elevation. The name "Dieng" means "abode of the gods." There the visitor can find restarted temples build around year 800, colorful lakes and steaming ones. On the road we will see how the farmer use all the land available by using terraces. It's also fresher up here and we are almost above the clouds. The plateau, located 2,093 meters above sea level, offers two sunrises, the golden sunrise and the silver sunrise. Both are equally amazing natural phenomena. The golden sunrise refers to the first sunrise between 5:30 and 6 a.m. It is said to be golden because of its sparkling golden red color. We can enjoy this sunrise from a viewing post at a height of 1,700 meters above sea level in Wonosobo. The place, located in a mountainous area, is easily accessible because the roads leading to this area are all paved.

After savoring the beauty of the double sunrise, a natural phenomenon perhaps found only on Dieng Plateau, we could still enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature. Walk about 10 minutes over a distance of some two kilometers to the southeast of the temple where there is a colorful lake. From the top of a hill the lake reflects a greenish yellow color, the reflection of the sulfate acid that the lake water contains. Beside this colorful lake there is another lake with pristine water. Locals call it the mirror lake because the water is very clear. The surface of the lake water also reflects sunlight. Unfortunately, this beautiful morning panorama is slightly impaired by the rampant felling of trees around the lakes. Unless the tree feeling is checked, this beautiful panorama will soon vanish for good.

Beside the beautiful panorama above, there is also small monuments, which are not more than 50 feet high stand on a crater floor amidst sulfurous fumes and underlined by the presence of a few of the starkest Shivaite temples at an elevation of more than 6.000 feet, are impressive. The site is located four hours from Semarang. In this site, the visitor will see some of the oldest Hindu temples of Java. On the way to the Dieng Plateau, visitors will pass through tobacco plantations and beautiful mountain scenery. This area can reach about four hours from Semarang, the site of some of the oldest Hindu temples on Java. These 50m-foot high monuments stand on a crater floor amidst sulfur fumes. The road to the Dieng Plateau passes through tobacco plantations and beautiful mountain scenery.


Borobudur adalah nama sebuah candi Buddha yang terletak di Borobudur, Magelang, Jawa Tengah. Lokasi candi adalah kurang lebih 100 km di sebelah barat daya Semarang dan 40 km di sebelah barat laut Yogyakarta. Candi ini didirikan oleh para penganut agama Buddha Mahayana sekitar tahun 800-an Masehi pada masa pemerintahan wangsa Syailendra.

Banyak teori yang berusaha menjelaskan nama candi ini. Salah satunya menyatakan bahwa nama ini kemungkinan berasal dari kata Sambharabhudhara, yaitu artinya "gunung" (bhudara) di mana di lereng-lerengnya terletak teras-teras. Selain itu terdapat beberapa etimologi rakyat lainnya. Misalkan kata borobudur berasal dari ucapan "para Buddha" yang karena pergeseran bunyi menjadi borobudur. Penjelasan lain ialah bahwa nama ini berasal dari dua kata "bara" dan "beduhur". Kata bara konon berasal dari kata vihara, sementara ada pula penjelasan lain di mana bara berasal dari bahasa Sansekerta yang artinya kompleks candi atau biara dan beduhur artinya ialah "tinggi", atau mengingatkan dalam bahasa Bali yang berarti "di atas". Jadi maksudnya ialah sebuah biara atau asrama yang berada di tanah tinggi.

Sejarawan J.G. de Casparis dalam disertasinya untuk mendapatkan gelar doktor pada 1950 berpendapat bahwa Borobudur adalah tempat pemujaan. Berdasarkan prasasti Karangtengah dan Kahulunan, Casparis memperkirakan, pendiri Borobudur adalah raja dari dinasti Syailendra bernama Samaratungga sekitar 824 M. Bangunan raksasa itu baru dapat diselesaikan pada masa putrinya, Ratu Pramudawardhani. Pembangunan Borobudur diperkirakan memakan waktu setengah abad.

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