
Turkmenabad is the center of the eastern part of Turkmenistan and the second-largest city in terms of population. It is located on the banks of the Amu Darya River. The history of the city has not yet been researched profoundly, but it’s known that it was born at the beginning of the one thousand BC, thanks to the Great Silk Road which pioneered from China through Central Asia to the Mediterranean in the 3rd century BC. The town Amul was one of the most important points for the Silk Road. Those who see the Amu Darya River for the first time are surprised at its muddy yellow-green colour due to its strong current and a lot of particles of mud containing various nutrient substances forming the fertile soil.

Long time ago the fortress of Bukhara emirate called Chardzhui (the four canals) used to stand there. It guarded the Amu Darya crossing from the attacks of nomadic tribes. In 1886 when trans-Caspian Railway reached the fortress it grew first into a military and then into civilian settlement. In 1901 the railway bridge across the river was built. In 1940 the city's name was rewritten in a new transcription - Chardzhou. In 1999 Chardzhou was renamed Turkmenabad (" created by Turkmen''). Today Turkmenabad is a developed industrial and cultural center.

The main place of interest in the city is Kugitang reserve (to the southeast of the city). It is a mountain range with a protogenic nature, untouched by civilization, abounding with rare species of animals and plants. There you can see a lunar landscape of Boya-Dag, the plateau of Dinosaurs with prints of prehistoric pangolins, unique karstic caves. If you visit the museum-city of Atamurat you'll be able to see ancient caravanserais, mausoleums of Alamberdar and Astana-baba which even now remain the place of pilgrimage for many believers.

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