Sumatera Selatan

Punti Kayu Natural Pine Forest

This recently built recreational complex covers 50 hectares area, consist of four parts: an amusement park, a recreation park, a natural forest, and a man-made lake. In this complex are to be found a children's playground, a cultural park, a souvenirs shop, restaurants and an information booth.

Because of its proximity to the capital and easy accessibility, this complex actually caters mainly to the local inhabitants of Palembang city, however, international tourists may enjoy passing a calm day here to watch urbanites amuse themself.

Curup Tenang Waterfall

It is the highest waterfall in South Sumatra, located near Bedegung village in Tanjung Agung district, about 56 kilometers South of Muara Enim Regency. Rich in the number of small as well as big rivers flowing through this province, waterfalls of various sizes come with them too.

Tenang_ waterfall where the water smashes down from 90 meters height into a deep pool and further downstream in a strong current. It can reach by public transportation and takes 2 hours from Palembang, however, less by private car. The Muara Enim regency, two hours from Palembang, is a land of rivers and waterfalls.

Putri Cave

The cave is situated at the edge of Padang Windu Village, Pengandonan district, about 35 Km from Baturaja. It is 156 m long and 8-20 m wide. The maximum height is 20 m. There are many stalactites and stalagmites and a stream in the cave, which empties into Ogan River. The rocks can be very slippery once in a while, so good shoes with a good profile are not to be forgotten.

Guides with lights and torches guide the visitors and give detailed information (mostly in Indonesian) about legends, which are strongly connected, to the caves. The main cave is about 150 meters long; the widest point is about 15 to 20 meters. In some places the ceiling is 12 meters high, on other places only 1,5 meters. The ceiling is scattered with hundreds of bats; when light disturbs them, they will fly out all together and just miss the visitors. To enter the deeper parts of the caves you have to be slender enough to pass very narrow points. Legendary stories tell about a king which had his palace in this cave, and every room has it's own story.

Serelo Hill

Serelo is a hill that located about 20 km from Lahat city. Beneath the hill, there is a special complex for taming, training and educating elephant. There are about 25 elephant, which have been trained to show off some attractions to the visitor/ tourist.

Bukit Siguntang

Bukit Siguntang of about 27 meters high from the sea level lies at the western part of Palembang city. During Sriwijaya era it became a holy place for a Buddhists. Based on the historical event, there lived, about 1000 Buddha monks on the hill. Up to now Bukit Siguntang hill has still been considered as a sacred place.

In 1920, it had found Buddha statue in Amarawati style and supposed from 11th centuries A.D. This statue put in Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin Museu, beside Kuto Besak Fortress. There are sacred graves on the top of Bukit Siguntang. One of them is Sigentar Alam grave that become the oath place of the pilgrimage. According to the legend, Sigentar Alam is a King in Sriwijaya period. Nowadays, Bukit Siguntang has beautiful scenery.

Sembilang National Park

In the eastern part of the region there is a 45.000 square hectares Sembilang Wildlife Reserve. Sembilang National Park was setup in 2003 in southeastern Sumatra. Over 350,000 hectares of peat swamp, freshwater swamp and mangroves, the park is host to a few critically endangered Sumatran tigers.

Sembilang is such a paradise for various kinds of protected birds like lesser adjutant stork, milky stork, spot billed pelican, wild duck, eagle, hornbill, etc. There are also two kinds of Sumatra crocodile, i.e. crocodilus porosus and tomistoma slegeli. In Sembilang river there also lives irrawadi dolphins and humpback dolphins.

Sembilang National Park with a total area of approx. 206 ha, is also one of the largest mangrove forests in the Indo-Malayan region and one of the widest mangrove zones in the world, in some areas extending inland up to 35 km. The mangroves provide feeding, nesting and roosting areas for many globally threatened species of wildlife, and are one of the most important stopover sites for migratory waders in the East Area Flyway (up to one million birds). The shallow mangrove zone in the area is highly productive, and more than 8.000 fishermen and their families find full time employment in the coastal fisheries.

Napal Licin Cave

Napal Licin is a cave of stalactites and stalagmites. To visit the place we have to take boat to upstream Rawas River. It is a new developing tourism object in Musi Rawas. This is the new tourism object for the visitor who came to Musi Rawas.

If we interested to make an adventure, try to visit Kerinci Seblat National Park. There are many kind of flora and fauna there, that cannot found in other area. We can find Rafflesia flower and also hundreds of birds, such as; crested parrot, and the other.

Raya Lake

Raya Lake is located near Karang Anyar village in Muara Rupit district, 80kms apart from Lubuk Linggau. It is accessible by public or private vehicles within 90 minutes from Lubuk Linggau through Sumatra highway. Dense underbrush and plantations belonging to the natives, such as cloves, rubber, coconut and bananas, surround the 100 square hectares lake.

Kemaro Island

Kemaro Island is a tiny delta of Musi River, located about 6 kilometers downstream of Ampera Bridge. There is a Chinese vihara (klenteng Hok Tjing Rio) on it. Kemaro Island lies between the industrial areas of Sriwijaya Fertilizer Plant and Pertamina Oil Refinery in Plaju and Gerong River. Forty kilometers from Palembang, Kamero Island is a popular recreation site in the middle of Musi River.

On the island there is a Buddha temple that often visited by Buddhists to pray or to visit the graves. Beside that, there is also mean of foretelling one's life and marriage. A great religious event Cap Go Meh is held in Kemaro Island every Imlek New Year.

Kemaro Island, a small island with a Buddhist temple and the grave of a Palembang princess. The legend tells that the princess was sent to marry the king of china. When she arrived, boats with big pottery pots were sent ashore. The king expected gold and opened them, but the first one only had vegetables. He ordered the other pots to be thrown in the river. When the princess saw that happening, she jumped in the river and drowned. Several of the pots broke, and they indeed contained gold. The princess was buried on the island, and the temple, which is built next to it, is said to bring luck.

Mount Dempo

Mount Dempo is one of the natural tourism objects in Pagaralam. It is the highest peak in South Sumatra and might be reached directly from Palembang by car, after spending 6 hours more or less for about 295 kilometers. Grown in northern Sumatra (Indonesia) Highlands. The liquor tends to be light with a hint of body and meatiness.

Dempo Volcano is located at Lahat Regency, South Sumatra Province while little part belongs to Muna Regency of Bengkulu Province. Geographically, it lies at 04° 02'' SL and 103° 08'' EL. The volcano has two peaks called Dempo and Merapi. The highest peak names Merapi with 3173 m high above sea level, while Dempo is about 3049 m. Dempo is a prominent 3173-m-high strata volcano that rises above the Pasumah Plain of SE Sumatra. Remnants of 7 craters are found at or near the summit, with volcanism migrating to the WNW with time. The historically active summit crater of Mount Dempo contains a 400-m-wide lake, located at the NW end of the crater complex. Historical eruptions have been restricted to small-to-moderate explosive activity that produced ash fall near the volcano. The big city close to the volcano is Pagaralam. Flight from Jakarta or Bandung to Palembang is the easiest way to reach this city. From Palembang the trip can be continued by car to Pagaralam or Dempo Plantation. Dempo Tea Plantation is the highest village about 1650 m. From this village, visitors start to climb and usually spend the night at Sawah Highland (3000 m) where lots of springs running into.

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