Pakistan: Ancient Land

Pakistan: Ancient Land of Wonder

Pakistan is a land of many wonders: A land of many ethnic groups, sights, sounds, geography and history unrivaled in the Asian lands. It is Pakistan that has withstood countless invasions by foreign people, and somehow preserved the essence of the culture they have brought to this land and people. Pakistan has survived and thrived despite its history and its upheaval to become one of the modern world’s truly great wonders. And with more archeological excavations every day, Pakistan and its history and culture will continue to amaze and excite the foreigner and the native. See for yourself the sites of the Mohenjodaro and Taxila, and the monuments of the Moguls. A land of amazement and enchantment, Pakistan awaits the sightseer in you.

Hidden Wonders Seen from Above

Land of Ancient Wonders, PakistanIts history alone boasts one of the oldest civilizations in the world, third only to ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. And its geography is a wonder to behold all its own. From plush valleys in the northern regions to the Himalaya Mountains, Pakistan is rich in wonders and a delight to the adventurous traveler wanting to venture far from the city. This is the land of snow-clad mountains and valleys high in the Hindu Kush. Civilization here is thousands of years old, and a treasure for the sightseer. Pakistan here is home to one of the world’s great concentrations of glaciers and high mountain peaks, including K-2, the world’s second highest mountain. Each of these sights provides the traveler with an unforgettable experience and a memory to be shared and relished. Truly this ancient culture has been blessed, with hundreds of peaks over 6000 meters high, and some of the longest glaciers outside of the polar regions. The sights here are spectacular, even for the most discriminating traveler.

Earliest Influence

Muslim Influence, PakistanMuch of Pakistani culture and tradition has its roots in Mogul and Afghan rule, and yet has been brought forward in modern times to a unique blend of ancient history and modern convenience and technology. Society in Pakistan is mostly multilingual, predominantly Muslim and very traditional in dress and custom. Family values here are a way of life and practice, much of which has been unchanged since ancient times.

A Bit on the Conservative Side

Gender Separation, PakistanPakistan has many reasons to be proud of its historical heritage and its way of life, derived from many invasions and influxes of other people groups, its culture is rich in traditions and arts and crafts. But perhaps Pakistan’s best asset is its people who treat the tourist with respect and warmth. Pakistan has learned this from the centuries of both invasion and migration. And it is here in Pakistani society that traditional ways of life are protected and enjoyed. Even the separated sexes in modern life have found a unique blend of the traditional and the modern.

Visit Pakistan:the ancient and the modern for the adventurer and the traveler.

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