
Pawon Temple

Pawon Temple is not a grave but as a place to keep King Indra's weapon namely Vajranala. Tiny temple 2 km east of Borobudur, contains a Buddha statue. The temple's style and the relief carved on the wall resemble most Javanese Hindu Temple. Pawon Temple is one and half kilometers westward from Mendut Temple and eastward from Borobudur Temple; it is also a Buddhist temple. When appreciating in detail, its sculpture is the beginning of Borobudur sculpture.

This temple was built with volcanic stones. Architecturally it is a blend of old Javanese Hindu and Indian art. Pawon temple is exactly in the central point of the straight line stretched from Borobudur to Mendut Temple. Perhaps it was built for kubera. It is on a wide rather terrace with steps. All parts are decorated with stupa(s) on dagoba(s) and its outside walls with symbolic pictures.


This resort is located on the slopes of Mt. Merapi, 24 km north of Yogyakarta and surrounded by an enchanting countryside. "Telogo Muncar" waterfall and swimming pool make this resort a very pleasant recreation place. Kaliurang lies at the foot of Plawangan hill on the southern slope of mount Merapi, some 28 km, north of Yogyakarta. This is a refreshing holiday resort for those seeking refuge and tranquility amidst the lush green tropical splendor.

Many people visit Kaliurang, especially during the holidays. Young people, like boy scouts, enjoy going there since the town provides camping sites and places for mountaineering. Those who like mountain climbing can climb Merapi Mountain from Kaliurang. One can stay overnight in Kaliurang then start, in the early morning, climbs Merapi via Kinahrejo village to descend again at noon.

When the weather is clear, a spectacular sight of the panoramic view that covers the surrounding forest of Plawangan and Kaliurang, and the rolling green countryside that fades into the distant misty horizon of the blue Indian Ocean can be seen easily. The best time to view the mountain is shortly after sunrise (before 09.00 o'clock), when the early morning light starts lifting up the shroud of mist around its peak.

Krakal Beach

Go to the next beach, about 6 kilometers from Kukup beach, we will find Krakal beach- a white sand beach stretch along 5 kilometers. Krakal beach the longest beach of the junction is located in Ngestirejo village, Tanjungsari district, about 3 km away in the east of Baron-Kukup-Sepanjang-Drini beach junction, has scratching white hill with blue slopes gently to the sea. The beauty of green lime-scratching hill with blue seawater offers a perfect harmony, which is very natural and ideal for sun bathing.

Krakal beach mostly is a white sandy beach in Yogyakarta area. There's a development now because of its beautiful panorama of the southern sea. It should be careful here because it has big wave and the texture of the beach which are rocks meet the sands.

Among all the beaches that stretch along Java beaches, Krakal with its white sandy beach surrounded with mountainous rocky hills is the most beautiful one. Krakal is close to Kukup beach and Baron cove. This cove is in fact an estuary of an underground river that comes up exactly at the waterfront. It is interesting to observe the combination of the beach and the cove from the protruding rocky hills that flank the caves on both sides.

Keraton - Palace Of Yogyakarta

The palace court with its grand and elegant Javanese architecture lies in the center of the city. Prince Mangkubumi founded the palace in 1755. The Prince then was called Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I and he chose the right location of the compound between Winongo River and Code River. The palace stretches out from north to south.

The front yard is called alun-alun Utara (the North Square), and the back yard is called Alun-alun Selatan (the South Square). The layout of the buildings shows that the Palace, the commemorative column and Mount Merapi lie in one line. The palace meeting hall is called Pagelaran, where formal meetings of palace officials are held, while the "Manguntur Tingkil" hall is the place where the Sultan is seated.

The visitors can enjoy the atmosphere of the kraton in former times by visiting the life-size diorama of wedding ceremonies on the palace meeting hall, performed by puppets, which are intentionally arranged to create such an atmosphere. Sets of Javanese musical instruments, antiques and heirlooms have made the palace of Yogyakarta worth to visit. Many sets of gamelan music instruments, antiques, and heirlooms make the palace of Yogyakarta the most interesting tourist attractions in Yogyakarta. The palace of Ngayogyokarto Hadiningrat is now the dwelling place of Sultan Hamengku Buwono X and the family.

West of the palace, there is Water Castle, built in 1758 by the prince, Sultan Hamengkubuwono I. The Water Castle is located in the older part of the city within walking distance from the Bird Market. Part of the pleasure garden and castle is at present no more than an intriguing collection of ruins, pools, arches and underground passages enclosed by massive walls, however, the central courtyard with the nymph-baths has been restored. A number of batik workshops line the avenue leading to the pleasure garden's entrance.

Mendut Temple

Mendut Temple is the older temple than Borobudur Temple. There are stories for children on its walls. It is located 1 km to the east of Pawon temple. There are magnificent statues of Buddha inside the temples. For Waisak ceremony, the offering and the praying start in this temple.

Mendut Temple is frequently used to celebrate the Waisak day every May full moon and the pilgrims from Indonesia and all parts of the world come to this ceremony. Its architecture is square, and have an entrance on its steps. Its roof is also square and terraced. There are stupas (= bell-shaped structures) on it.

Sewu Temple (Thousand Temple)

Sewu Temple is located 2 km north of Prambanan Temple. This is the second largest Buddhist Temple complex in Java; Restoration is professionally underway to reach its original form. It is a MANDALA, manifesting the universe in the center temple of Mahadeva, surrounded by four rings of 250 smaller temples of Gods.

Sewu Temple complex is located in Prambanan Temple Park area, about 800 meters to the north of Rara Jongrang Temples. The fact that this temple was built near Prambanan Temple, which is a Hindu temple, indicated that the Hindus and Buddhists lived in harmony.

The main temple has 1 main room and 4 small rooms of which are doorways to the temple. The east door serves as main door to the main room. That way, the main temple faces to the east. The structure has 9 'roofs'; each of them forms a stupa on the top. It is believed to be a royal temple and was one of the religious activity centers in the past. Based on the inscription dated back to 792 AD, which was found in 1960, the name of the temple complex was probably "Manjus'rigrha" (The House of Manjusri). Manjusri is one of Boddhisatva in Buddhist teaching. Sewu Temple was probably built in the 8th century at the end of Rakai Panangkaran administration. Rakai Panangkaran (746 AD - 784 AD) was a popular king from the old Mataram kingdom. HC Cornelius studied the temple firstly in 1807. NJ Krom did the first archeological study in 1923.

Merapi Volcanoe

Merapi volcano is one of the world's most active and dangerous volcanoes. It contains an active lava dome, which regularly produces pyroclastic flows. It has been active for 10,000 years. This fire mountain remains one of the most active and dangerous volcanoes in the world.

It can be seen from its name; Merapi from Javanese word 'Meru' means 'Mountain' and 'Api' means 'fire'. The internally giant smoking Mount Merapi is one of the active volcanoes that found in Indonesia. It is presenting its peaceful and sleepy dense forest.

Beyond this, there lies a vast deserted land with its deep and steep valley spread out among the mountain hills where sibilant pines and wild grass make out the dominating vegetation, all presents a very exciting panorama. Merapi is located about 30 km north of Yogyakarta, a city with a population of 500,000. It is tall (2.8 km or 1.7 miles high) and has steep slopes. The top of the volcano sometimes has a normal crater, but usually a broad mound of pasty lava (called a dome) fills the crater. The dome plugs up the volcano, making it difficult for other lava and ash to escape. A broad gouge funnels lava and ash flows from the top of Merapi to the south slopes of the volcano.

During its resting time of volcanic activities, it will enable those who have much interest in mountaineering to have fun and to make them more acquainted with the flora of its tropical rain forest. From the observation post located on Plawangan hill that can be reached through the forest resort of Kaliurang, we will see the incredible sights of molten rocks oozing over the rim, sometimes accompanied with hot lava pouring out regularly and leaving a long trail of smoke.

Kalasan Temple

Kalasan Temple is built in Kalasan village about 2 km west of Prambanan, 15 km from Yogyakarta. _It is dedicated to a Buddhist Goddess, TARA. It is 6 meters tall and has 52 stupas. This unique Buddhist temple is located east of Yogyakarta, on the south side of the main road between Yogyakarta and Solo. It was built in honor of the marriage between king Pancapana of Sanjaya Dynasty and a Princess of Syailendra Dynasty, named Dyah Pramudya Wardhani.

It is beautifully ornamented with finely carved relief and coated with "vajralepa", a yellowish material made from the sap of a certain tree. The vajralepa functioned as an adhesive and as protection against moss and mildew, while at the same time it refined the carvings. This temple is 24 m high and its base built in the form of a Greek cross.


Prambanan Temple located on Prambanan,Klaten,Jogjakarta Indonesia. It's called "thousand temple" cause contain from a thousand litle temple around, and one's called 'Lara Jongrang' .wonderfull place can you visited at the full moon, with ramayana ballet show.

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