
The port - city of Turkmenbashi (formerly Krasnovodsk) is the only major port in the entire Central Asia. From the east it is surrounded by low mountains, in the West the city is bordered by the waters of the Caspian Sea. The landscape around the city looks more like a lunar one. The city is a starting point for the majority of excursions to the mountains and small seaside resorts.

One hundred twenty six years ago Colonel N.G.Stoletov founded a town which he named «Krasnovodsk». It became the administrative centre of the Caspian region and retained that status until 1917. Now it became a major transport centre with developed oil refining and building industries. Nearby facilities for mining building stone and natural resources (for example-salt, etc.) turned this town into a major transit centre for raw materials.

The coast of the Caspian Sea is famous for its remarkable sandy beaches, pure transparent water, abundance of sea flora and fauna. There you will be able to enjoy various water sports. The most tourists favor coastal towns of Hazar and Turkmenbashi - Avaz, whose resort sanatoriums are intended for treating pulmonary diseases.

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