Nusa Tenggara Barat

Mayura Park

Mayura Park is what remains of the once existing Karang Asem kingdom of Bali. In the middle of a large pond is a structure called Balai Kambang, which at the time functioned as a legal court of justice as well as a hall for important meetings. Curiously, its architecture shows both Hindu as well as Islamic influences, whereas around the place statues made of stone are found in a Moslem hajji form.

Mayura and Bale Kambang, had built on 1743 by Balinese Hindu's Dynasty; Anak Agung Gede Karangasem. It's now become a recreational park when seasonally used for Music Festivals.

Moyo Island

Moyo Island, at the mouth of Saleh Bay, has a nature reserve with wild oxen, deer, wild boars and a great variety bird species. Visits are best made during the dry season from June through August. A few kilometers of the north coast of Sumbawa, the national park island of Moyo Island is probably the most rewarding destination in Sumbawa, surrounded by beautiful coral reefs and home to wild pig, monitor lizards, 21 species of bat, huge herds of native deer and hordes of crab-eating macaques.

The best time to visit is in June and July, though the seas are clear and quiet from April. There are basic private rooms at the PHPA post at Tanjung Pasir on the south coast, where most boats from the mainland arrive. Renting a fishing boat from Tanjung Pasir and going fifteen minutes east to Stama reeft is very rewarding, with lots of sharks and turtles. There's nowhere on Moyo to rent masks and snorkels so bring our own; fins are advisable due to the strong currents.

To get to Moyo, take a bemo from beside Seketang Market in Sumbawa Besar to Air Bari , a small port settlement to the northeast. From Air Bari, we can charter a boat to Moyo.

Further along Nusa Tenggara to the east of Lombok lies Moyo Island and its Reserve. A fantastic place to visit and is a place of adventure.

Moyo Island is an attractive island three kilometres off the north coast of Sumbawa, lying to the east of Lombok. Two thirds of Pulau Moyo is actually a game reserve. The central plateau with its grassy savannah land and intermittent forested areas is ideal for Deer as well as the feral cattle released there.

The coastline has some beautiful beaches of fine coral sand and not the black volcanic sand like we find on a lot of islands in the archipelago. There are beautiful coral reefs, which make it excellent for scuba diving or just snorkeling. The reef at the southern end of the island is probably the best of all.

There are a few inhabitants on the island and this consists of around 21 villages concentrated in the northern end. From Moyo there are splendid views of Mount Tambora (2,821m) to the east, the highest mountain in Sumbawa, which erupted quite violently in 1815 but now has amazingly beautiful forests on its western slopes.

Tambora can be climbed from the side in three days and is well worth a visit. It has an enormous crater and within, a two-colored lake. From the crater there are also spectacular views over Saleh Bay and the rest of Sumbawa to the east, and to the west, Moyo Island to Lombok and Mount Rinjani.

The wildlife on the reserve has adapted to the fairly dry habitat and these include Deer, feral cattle, and numerous birds such as Orioles, Sunbirds, Coequals, Koels and Drongos. Of course there are several species of shore birds along the coastline.

Batu Bolong Beach

Located 9 km from downtown Mataram, this beach has a huge rock with a hole in it. It is an ideal place which to see the majestic sunset from Lombok Strait. After sunbathing, relaxing and frolicking on this beautiful beach-front, try to stay till the end of the day to watch one of the most stunning sunsets you have ever seen when the sun slowly begins to disappear behind Mount Agung with incredibly flaming colors.

A Hindu temple lies on top facing the Lombok Strait and beyond is the contour of majestic Mount Agung of Bali. Colorful and musical religious ceremonies are often held in this beautiful temple.

Meno's Bird Park

On Gili Meno island, a new tourist attraction introduced by an Australian businessman who live in Bali, with hundreds of various tropical birds from many different rain forests of Indonesia. Bring over a camera to shoot some spectacular moment.

Humidity on Gili Meno is higher than two other Gilis. Equipped you with sun protection and mosquito repellent. There are many options for an enjoyable holiday on the islands. You can rent snorkeling equipment; join a diving course, or just snorkeling off the shore to see the magnificent coral reefs and fishes.

Gili Island

Gili Island is a popular destination in Indonesia. Gili Islands located in the north west of Lombok, featuring three small, coral fringed islands; Gili Air, Gili Meno & Gili Trawangan, each with superb, white sandy beaches, clear water, coral reefs, brilliantly colored fish and the best snorkeling on Lombok.

Visitors, especially young European is attracted to the simple pleasures of sun, snorkeling, beautiful beaches, and socializing. The absence of cars, motorcycles, and hawkers adds greatly to the leasure of staying on the Gilis. "Gili islands" is not the local name. Gili actually means Small Island and there are lots of other gili's around Lombok.

There are many options for an enjoyable holiday on the islands. We can rent snorkeling equipment, join a diving course, rent a kayak, go fishing, or take a glass bottom boat to see the magnificent coral reefs and fishes.

There are lots of quality scuba diving operations on all the islands. The coral around the islands is good for snorkeling, which can be reach from the shore. See rays and giant clams. A must see: Turtles Point, Meno Wall. Dive Schools available on all the islands with many dive programs to choose, from beginners to advanced technical dives.

While divers are able to regularly swim with black tip, those who prefer to just drifts in the currents with a snorkel, fins and mask are never left disappointed by the more than 6,000 species of marine life living just off-shore. Fishing is one of the highlight activities on the islands. Deep fishing remains the best on north west of Gili Trawangan.

Gunung Rinjani

It's the second highest volcano in Indonesia., called Mount Rinjani or Gunung Rinjani. It's an active volcano in Indonesia on the island of Lombok. The volcano and the spectacular crater lake Segara Anak, are protected by a national park established in 1997. The 6 km by 8.5 km, oval boiler is filled partially by a lake known as Segara Anak (about 2000m above sea level and is estimated at between 300 m to 200 m depth); the caldera also contains hot springs. The eruptions of 1994, 1995, and 1996 have formed a small cone, Gunung Baru (or Mountain New - approximately 2300m above sea level) in the center of the caldera and lava flows from these eruptions have entered the lake.

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