Tash-Rabat caravanserai

Last updated: 15. 03. 2010

"Tash-Rabat" (XV c.) caravanserai is unique architectural monument of the early Middle Ages and one of the main archeological sights of Kyrgyzstan, being a symbol of Tenir-Too mountain architecture. It is situated in tash Rabat picturesque canyon-gorge (Naryn region) on 3200 m height. In times of the Great Silk road Renaissance "Tash-Rabat" served as a caravanserai, in our understanding an original "hotel", coaching inn for merchants and travelers on ancient caravan roads from Transoxiana to Kashgar.

Tash-Rabat is excellently entered in surrounding landscape. It looks like symmetric, almost square building with several domes, consisting of big domed central hall (here elements of "ganch" – fired mud plaster and traces of paint survived) around which about 30 rooms are situated. The set of underground transitions, various confidential exits and "linden" (prison cells) survived under the fortress till now. They have been used for centuries as shelters for refugees and hermits, places for studying the religion. Tash-Rabat differed from usual construction schemes of this type by the absence of courtyards. Expressive architectural form, well ordered lay-out and brick walls say a lot about the skilful craftsmanship of builders, who have created this multipurpose construction.
By the way, a few strokes about its builders. The history of Tash-Rabat construction is a little inconsistent. If to trust to documents it had been constructed under the order of local governor Mohammed Khan. But old people assert the following: "Tash-Rabat" had been constructed by the father and the son. When they had to put the last stone on a dome, they saw approaching caravan. The son left his work and decided to see what the people go there. "Wait"- father said – "Let’s finish the work first". But the son didn’t obey. He had left and never returned. As it was found out later, a young beautiful girl traveled with caravan. And Tash-Rabat still stands without a roof till now…
Nevertheless, Tash-Rabat continues to attract tourists’ attention. Besides, here is opportunity to make fascinating horseback rides to Chatyr-Kul lake via the Pass.

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