Jawa Timur


Flora Hill of Nongkojajar is also known as Bukit Flora Nongkojajar, which located in Nongkojajar – Pasuruan, East Java. Flora Hill has often visited by students who having learned about flora or just want to have out bond activity. It provides with some facilities, such as; flower and fruit garden, coffee garden, playground, radio, tape, sound system, and out bond guide.

Otherwise, the out bond activities also completed with some interesting facilities, including; slide down, military game, bear stairs, pull body, and the other interesting games.

Flora Hill is also suitable for having family recreation, because it has fresh air and cool panorama. Hills and rice field surround Flora Hill, so it has beautiful scenery. The visitors can take pictures here with beautiful background of real nature nuance. The visitors will find various kinds of flowers here. They are; Anthurium, Aglonema, Orchid, Rose, Adenium, etc.

Ranu Grati Lake

The lake occupies about 197 hectares area located on the way between Surabaya – Ponorogo or it takes about 90 minutes drive from Surabaya. It is located at Grati Tunon village, Grati subdistrict. It's about 16 km east of Pasuruan. The lake has mount Tengger’s beautiful scenery. According to a legend, the origin of Grati Lake resembles to the origin of Pening Lake.

It has available recreational facilities such as boats and floating fishing net pond (keramba apung) used for breeding fresh water fish such as gurami, mujair, nila merah, etc. Ranu lake produces lempuk fish (a kind of small anchovy), which only can be found in this place.

The visitor can enjoy their time in this lake by doing some activity such as; fishing, walking around, and the others. This lake is the biggest lake in Pasuruan and often visited by local tourists, just to show the fisherman harvest their fishes.

Tirto Waluyojati

Tirto Waluyojati Pool is located in Klepu village, Sooko district, that is located approximately 30 km next east the Ponorogo city. This tourism object is one of the pilgrimage places of Catholics in Java island to honour Mother Maria. On May 27 1988 by Mrg. A. J. Dibjakaryana, the Surabaya Bishop declared it named “Sendang Waluyojatiningsih”.
As the pilgrimage and praying, Maria Fatimah / Sendang Waluyojatiningsih cave was completed with the Field of Praying place.

the road which headed towards the pilgrimage place, Stasi Church, Holly Sacrament Church and Maria Statue from Fatima. Compared with Maria Lourdes, Puh Sarang cave pilgrimage, the nature in Klepu is very supportive, very beautiful, with the pine forest background, original water pool. Beside have pilgrimage, the visitor also can go to Ngebel lake that not far from the pilgrimage location.

Ngebel Lake

It is called Ngebel Lake because it is in Ngebel subdistrict territory. It is located about 24 km to the north-east of Ponogoro, Ngebel lake is in the slope of Wilis mountain with 734 metre height on the sea and the temperature 22 to 32 celsius. With the wide of surface about 1.5 km, Ngebel lake surrounded by the road along 5 km.

This lake has an amazing panorama, cool air with the maiden nature condition that kept one million potentials to be dug up. We also could met various fruits like: durian, mangosteens, pundung, etc. In the lake also spread various fishes, one them is the variety fishes that has protected. It is Hampala fish or the local inhabitants named Ngongok fish. For that purposes, it also available accommodation facilities that already for the visitor who want to spend the night. The facilities is managed by the Regional Government and private enterprise.
According to the developing legend in the community, Ngebel lake was formed based on the story of a dragon snake, named “Baru Klinting”.

When the snake take a meditating and unintentionally he was cut-piece by the community around to be eaten. Mysteriously the snake changed into a child who afterwards visited the community and made a contest to repeal the rib that was transfixed by him into the land. Not even one succeeded in carrying it out.

Afterwards he repealed this rib, and from this rib hole went out water that afterwards became the big pool that welled up and became Ngebel lake. It seems Ngebel lake had important role in the history of Ponorogo Regency, because one of the founders of Ponorogo regency, Batoro Katong, before doing the greatness Islam religion in Ponogoro regency had clear himself in a pool near to Ngebel lake. At this time, it is known as pool / Kucur Batoro.

Wisata Bahari Lamongan

Wisata Bahari Lamongan atau disingkat WBL, adalah tempat wisata bahari yang terletak di Kecamatan Paciran, Kabupaten Lamongan, Jawa Timur. Tempat wisata ini dibuka sejak soft opening tanggal 14 November 2004. Beberapa wahana unggulan tempat wisata ini antara lain Istana Bawah Laut, Gua Insectarium, Space Shuttle, serta Anjungan Walisongo.

Obyek wisata ini berada di jalur pantura Surabaya-Tuban, serta berada di dekat sejumlah obyek wisata andalan di Jawa Timur, diantaranya Gua Maharani, Makam dan Museum Sunan Drajat, Makam Sunan Sendang Duwur, dan Pantai Tanjung Kodok. Tidak jauh dari WBL, sekitar 5 km arah timur, akan dikembangkan kawasan berikat yang dikenal dengan Lamongan Intregated Shorebase (LIS). Sementara itu, sekitar 6 kilometer arah barat terdapat pelabuhan ikan Brondong dengan tempat pelelangan ikan yang sangat dikenal di Jawa Timur.

Saat ini Wisata Bahari Lamongan tengah diperluas hingga mencakup Pantai Tanjung Kodok dan Gua Maharani, dan sebagai penghubung adalah kereta gantung.

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