Sulawesi Tengah

Banggai Archipelago

This archipelago is a real good area to do various activities of water like swimming and dive. In this water territory area the tourist are possibly to see dugong or sea cow and even whale. Although its panorama is very good but the accommodation facility in this island still limited but the tourist admit of lodge in houses property of resident

after ask permission to local village head. The tourist can rent speedboat, which can be met in every village if we like to encircle this archipelago area.

Batu Daka Island

Bata Daka Island is the biggest island and easiest to reached in Togean archipelago. In Batu Daka Island there are two villages that is Bomba and Wakai. Bomba village, they are the settlement area, which located in northwest back part of Togean archipelago. Bomba is the most beautiful place in Togean area and not crowded, hence most tourists' pass

this place is just for towards main purpose that is to Wakai in Kadidiri Island. However Bomba is interesting place. Here, the visitor can swim and snorkeling in good location. You also can visit bat cave, which located near to Bomba but to visit this place required by guide.

Togean Archipelago

Foreign tourist, who is visit Togean archipelago for the first time, will feel fall in love with its rock islands beauty in this place. The beauties of Togean nature make many tourists finally choose to remain longer from initially plan. Archipelago that is located in the middle of Tomini Bat is grew by forest area, which have not touched and become shelter for the animals in it.

But the real beauty resides in the beach and sea. Various combinations forms of rock unite bluely of clear seawater make the beauty of this place become hardly impressing.
Togean Archipelago is the only place in Indonesia that has three different rock areas but stay in one same area. The three rock areas is atoll rock, barrier rock and coastal rock, all become flora and sea fauna habitat. Atoll rock is coral island form that midst of its there is deep lake. Barrier rock is in a row consecutive rock encircle the island look like fortress or wall on the sea that protect other island in nearness from the sea wave dashing against. This rock height start from finite base to sea level reach 200 meters, this is not including part of rock on the surface, which able to reach some meters height, again.

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