Kalimantan Timur

wisata seo sadau

sorry for who looking for some information here. this post is special to support wisata seo sadau. wisata seo sadau is island in kalimantan timur in tarakan city. many nice place in indonesian and one of them is tarakan islands of sadau.
this is best place with montview and a beach. that's why saya adalah orang indonesia yang cinta akan indonesia sehingga saya akan mendukung semua yang mengharumkan nama bangsa indonesia.
kontes ini sebenarnya hadiahnya tidak seberapa. cuma 500rb dan karena saya cinta akan indonesia maka saya ikut kontes yang bertajuk akan wisata seo sadau ini.

kalimantan timur khususnya kota tarakan sedang membangun kotanya untuk bisa bersaing dengan singapura oleh karena itu di juluki the new singapura.

wisata seo sadau ini sebenarnya kurang populer dan tidak begitu terkenal di mata dunia maupun kancah nasional.

wisata seo sadau adalah tempat favorit orang tarakan untuk belibur di tengah pulau dan hutan belantara.

last word sorry to who arrived here and read this post. this post is just to tell in east kalimantan there is a place name wisata seo sadau

Tanah Merah Waterfall

The location of Tanah Merah Waterfall is about 14 Km from Samarinda downtown, precisely in Purwosari orchard, north Samarinda district. This tourism place has compatible calm for family recreation because equipped with wide park area; ancient verandah palace to took a rest, booth, open stage and others. To reach this place can join with others public vehicle of Segiri Market - Siring River route.

Derawan Island

Derawan Island is preserve area that went out to sea, part of Sangalaki island, which is located not far from offshore Batu foreland, between Berau and Tarakan. This island has beautiful panorama with clean white coast with adjoining coconut palm forest, and a number of small villages encircle island. This place has known as sea tourism location especially for dive and snorkeling activities.

Although situation of outlying, but the popularity of Derawan Island and islands in vicinity increasingly as location sea tourism. The marines around Derawan Island is rich with fish especially a kind of fish that always forage on the surface of water whereas birds fly above it to pounce adrift food on the sea. Green tortoise, which is scarce laid eggs along the Derwan Island beach, is not far from diving Derwan Dive Resort location. You will not meet car or motor in this island while electrics only live a few nocturnal clocks.

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